Friday, May 7, 2010

Sarlo's Rapist Protection Union

Swami Manu penned:

I am curious to know where you get your information.

Sannyas is not all bad. There have been some terrible abuses. We suffer still Sheela and Hugh Milne who both left the ashram and star in the new movie "Guru: Bhagwan, His Secretary, His Bodyguard" a movie by Sabine Gisiger and Beat Häner.

I understand why Sarlo would hide rapists. The whole commune was run by rapists. It was a shocking but accepted way of life. The price to be near Osho.

Sarlo knows of these abuses but do you expect him to admit his part?

Many sannyas are following the Mohan (Michael Lyons) court case. The women want him to be jailed, some men too, but some sannyas leaders want to hide the story because they could be prosecuted.

Be careful, these sannyas skeletons do not want to be forced from the closet.