Friday, August 28, 2009

Complain to Sarlo's ISP Primus Telecommunications Canada

If you even a little outraged by Sarlo then you can do something. One good reader conveyed this information:

Dear Pune1,

Keep up the good work!

Anyone can make a complaint against Sarlo by informing them where his webpages break the 'Primus Acceptable Use Policy' by being offensive and inciting hatred and violence.

The raison d’être of Sarlo's site is to attack the beliefs of religious groups.
Ironically the site is run by a man who is a leader in the Osho Bhagwan Shree Rajneesh cult whose members were jailed for plotting to murder a United States official.

Sarlo's webpages
are hosted by his ISP
Primus Telecommunications Canada

Primus customer "Sarlo" uses Primus internet services to run and
control several Yahoogroup lists in which he actively encourages
harassment of religious groups and their members. There are also
examples where he has pushed Yahoogroup members to attack other
members and this has resulted in offline harassment. Sarlo's group was
considered an adult 18+ group by Yahoo which is normally reserved for
groups of a pornographic nature only.

One example of incitement to violence:-

"I don't remember what he talked about at all but I just wanted to
slap him up side the head."

Complaints can be made in writing with evidence to
Primus Telecommunications Canada Inc.
Att: Jill Schatz, Legal Counsel
5343 Dundas St. West
Suite 400
Toronto, ON
M9B 6K5


Anonymous said...

Thank you for the informative blog. It has really opened my eyes to corruption in the sannyas world and especially crooks like Sarlo, Veeresh and Sheela.

I now know where to complain about Sarlo's personal pages.

Anonymous said...

Good luck to you.

Sarlo is a slippery character who managed to get out some rough situations which he created at the ashram.

Anonymous said...

Why is Sarlo wasting his time and every person's time wring nonsense and attacking gurus? This man is just a worthless rabble rouser.

Anonymous said...

Come out Sarlo from whatever rock you are hiding under and show yourself!

Anonymous said...

I was hoping Swami Deva Sarlo had reformed. He was the kind of sannyasin others avoided in the Pune ashram.

Shame on Primus Canada if they allow sociopaths to spread their mental illnesses.