Thursday, July 30, 2009

Surveilling and Controlling the Crowd - Sarlo/Jalal's Many Disguises

Sam (Pari, the late founder of wrote in "Life of Osho"

"There had been a series of poisonings,
employing both rare drugs and bacteria,
not only of individuals but also of large groups of people
(though in fact no one had actually been killed); on top of
which the whole commune was bugged."

"The whole Ranch was bugged. Not just the hotel and
public telephones – the entire place was wired. Osho’s
room was bugged, so was Vivek’s. The tapping had been
done with extraordinary, one could almost say loving, care;
housewire had been removed from its outer plastic insulation
and replaced by strands of telephone wire leading to
the hidden mikes, and then the casing had been resealed;
so that even if you checked all you would see was normal
housewiring. The F.B.I. was very impressed by that. Osho
was bugged by a tiny mike hidden inside an alarm buzzer
Sheela had insisted he have."

Would you think that an electrician would have noticed the strange wiring?

Who was the electrician for the Ranch? Swami Jalal (Tim Pushman)

Swami Jalal (Tim Pushman), Sarlo's fellow sannyas buddy, censor of websites exploring Osho's death, man who spied on Osho's girlfriend just before she died suspiciously in what looked like a faked suicide six weeks before Osho "died". "Jalal" who denied OshoRebels/RajneeshRebels a listing on the Osho page of the Open Directory Project. Swami Jalal who uses a fake sannyas name "Gorakh" to run and spread deceptions into the naive sannyas populace.

n0by, who has many times noted Sarlo's heavy-handed censorship, exposed Jalal's unconvincing smokescreen. Jalal supplied a picture but only of him wearing dark sunglasses. n0by made a screenshot of Jalal's email in which Jalal admitted being a Ranch electrician before. n0by also noted that Jalal is an IT professional because websites exploring Osho and Vivek's suspicious deaths had been hacked and burned. The email archive which would have preserved Jalal's email no longer exists (part of Sarlo's “burn all the evidence” cover up routine) but you can still find the screenshot at

1 comment:

Swami Cult said...

In 10 years Jalal has never answered for his role in bugging the Ranch.

He cannot even admit that he is Gorakh of

This man lives in the shadows. Be careful these type of sannyasins will do terrible things to you if they can catch you unaware